Friday, 11 March 2016

Evaluation: Question 4

Who would be the audience for your film and why?

Based on audience questionnaires, our target audience would be 15+ aiming mostly at teenagers who are passionate about film. Our typical target audience member would be someone like this: 

A person like this would watch our film because it contains violent imagery, intense moments and an interesting story. They would be use to unknown actors because of they prefer indie films over typical mainstream films. If they watch any popular TV shows like Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones etc. then they can endure a lot of the gore, profanity and focus on the story and characters more than younger or older audience members. Also those shows along with the Revenant and Dead Man's Shoes are known for excellent camera work, mise en scene and symbolism which is prevalent throughout our film. 

We also showed our film to a few members of the target audience and here is them reacting to it:

From the audience feedback in the video above, we have significantly improve our film because we got rid of the 'Star Trek' like transitions between the flashbacks and we have placed the title of the film 'Flashback' earlier on in the film opening rather than in the middle. We also added more titles including director, actors, production and distribution companies. We kept everything they found positive the same.